The Grapevine Art & Soul Salon

Barbara Knott, "Angel? Muse? Daimon? Duende!"
Kwajo Abeyie, "Pasion Flamenca and Antonio Hidalgo in Atlanta"
Frank Allan, "A Funeral Homily for Jerry Zeller"
Anne Lovett, "The Coat in the Goodwill Store"
Kennedy, Bill

Bill Kennedy, Contributing Writer and Image Design Coordinator, has been a teacher, aquatic biologist and environmental educator. Since retirement, his primary interests have been writing, photography, astronomy and the relationship between science and religion. He is a regular at the Callanwolde Fiction Workshop and a member of North Georgia Astronomers. For many years his writing was confined to what water pollution does to fish and other aquatic life. Now he enjoys writing about what people do to one another. He?s found the latter more interesting than the first and usually funnier.
Knott, Barbara

Host of The Grapevine and Contributing Writer, Barbara Knott has had a short story published in The Distillery: Artistic Spirits of the South, two articles published in Pilgrimage journal, and a novel short-listed in the James Jones First Novel competition. Her work has also twice reached the finals of the New Millennium fiction and poetry contests. Barbara has a Ph.D from the Department of Performing Arts Professions at New York University and is a Registered Drama Therapist. She studied acting with William Hickey at the Herbert Berghof Studio in Greenwich Village before returning to Atlanta where she became co-director of the Center for Archetypal Studies and served terms as program chair and then president of the C. G. Jung Society. She has also performed as a storyteller at Zoo Atlanta. She is retired from teaching humanities and participates in two writing groups: Zona Rosa and Midtown Writers. Her play Keepers of the Fire: Native Americans at Etowah is being prepared for production at Cartersville's Grand Theater.
Knott, Charles

Charles Knott has lived a varied life as college teacher, psychotherapist, and actor. His mentors are Joseph Campbell and C. G. Jung, so his intellectual interests tend toward literature and depth psychology. A man of paradoxes, he has taught writing for many years, but has written little himself other than academic writing (a selection from his Master's thesis on Oscar Wilde was published in an academic journal). Seeing himself basically as a lecturer and conversationalist, he has now, due to his affection for The Grapevine, decided to make the effort to become a writer. His favorite line about writing was uttered by Flannery O'Connor's doctor, who once told her, "It's O.K. for you to write, but you must not do any hard work."
Follow this link to see Charles Knott in an award-winning short video about photographer E. Muybridge who helped to pioneer moving pictures. He also murdered his wife's lover and raised the son whose paternity was not certain. Music score by Philip Glass. Played for several weeks in New York City's Museum of Modern Art. 1980s. A Gentleman's Honor
Knott, Jonathan

Jonathan Knott, host of The Grapevine's Tracking History column and Contributing Writer, first published in the college newspaper at Georgia Southern University. He has ventured into several specialized studies: he learned about tracking animals at the Tracking Project run by John Stokes in New Mexico and about Abo Skills at the Gastonia, S. C., museum of natural history. He has attended two of Robert Bly's men's conferences and once had acting classes at the Herbert Berghof Studio and a dancing class at Joseph Campbell's Foundation for the Open Eye in New York. He is an ardent sports enthusiast given to blogging about all his favorite teams. He has studied playwriting with Linda Sherbert at Alliance Theatre and creative writing with Anna Schachner. Now he has returned to his college studies for a major in history.
Kumar, Ravi

Ravi Kumar, host of The Grapevine's WorldVoices column and Contributing Writer, is retired from the Indian Air Force where he was a jet fighter pilot and Group Commander. He has since his retirement lived in the United States, first in South Carolina and now in Georgia where he lectures and teaches a course in cultural competence that he designed as a virtual world tour. The tour begins with a close look at images and values expressed in U. S. culture, then goes around the world, with touchdowns in India and China to look at these countries and related cultures, as well as in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. Cultural considerations include value systems, art, politics, and history. Single lectures as well as the full course series are available through The Grapevine. Ravi continues to travel widely throughout the actual world and to study cultural diversity both here in the United States and abroad.
Law, Nancy

Nancy R. Law, Contributing Writer, is a retired media specialist who has returned to her home state of Georgia after teaching in California, where she influenced a generation of Cambodian children to speak Southern, and in Alabama, where the children reintroduced her accent to its roots. During her academic career, she was one of two teachers from Alabama selected to participate in a weeklong workshop at the Library of Congress, studying the American Memory Collection. Ms. Law travels extensively, does line dancing and climbs Kennesaw Mountain to stay in shape. She is a member of the Atlanta Zona Rosa writing group and is currently working on an adult popup book about divorce.
Lovett, Anne

Anne Lovett began her writing career with a humor column for her Dublin, Georgia, high school newspaper but got sidetracked into trying to save the world by seeking cures for humanity's ills through chemistry. She received a B.S. degree from Emory and a Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, with a dissertation on an experimental antibiotic. When she discovered that saving the world meant getting a job in upstate New York or North Dakota, she married a good ole Southern boy and settled in Atlanta. Unfortunately, this arrangement eventually clashed with her unexpressed artistic and Bohemian leanings. She returned to writing, studying with Kent Nelson and Rosemary Daniell. Her short fiction has appeared in Aethlon: Journal of Sport Literature, The Distillery, The Jewish Women's Literary Annual, and Red Wheelbarrow. Non-fiction pieces including essays have appeared locally, and several novels are awaiting discovery. She reviews books for the Georgia Writers Association's News/Mag.
Soul MirrorsWebster, Anne

Anne Webster's great-great-grandfather, along with his nine sons, came to Atlanta at the end of the Civil War in a covered wagon. She now lives two blocks from that ancestor?s homestead. Retired from a nursing career, Anne spends her time writing. Her poems and essays have appeared in literary journals and anthologies; she also has a finished memoir and two novels looking for a home. Her book of poems The History of Nursing, about how being a nurse can color everything else in a woman's life, has just been accepted for publication. Anne's love of language led her to become fluent in German, and she has traveled extensively in the US and Europe. But she feels most at home in Atlanta, near her roots.
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